Take Action

Together, let's break down barriers, inspire positive change, and foster a future where every individual, regardless of their background, can thrive in a secure and harmonious world. Join Through Peace in our collective journey towards a brighter, safer, and more inclusive tomorrow.


Volunteer with us either in-person or virtually! Let’s have a one-on-one conversation to figure out what works!

Sponsor Hate Crime Booklets

We receive physical booklet requests daily from people all over the world. Our biggest challenge is having to turn people down with the increasing demand.

Help us expand our outreach to regions all across the United States. Our goal is to have these books available to anyone who needs them as soon as they need them. 

Lend a helping hand if you are financially able to bless others. We also have sponsor perks!

Sponsor our Programs

We are the first organization to focus on language access, which started with the Hate Crime Booklets.

Each of our Hate Crime Workshops, Heal from Hate Clinics, Protect the Vibe Workshops, Race & Bias Education, and Fitness and Safety Workshops include live interpreters to be present at each event for the LEP population that desperately needs better access to resources.

Hey, life is hard so we at Through Peace try to make it a little easier. Every sponsorship also comes with perks, so ask away!

If you would like to partner with us, whether it be volunteer, donate, or sponsor, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.